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NOTICEDestruction of Special Education Records
July 2024
Notice is hereby given that Eufaula City Schools Special Education Department intends to destroy special
education records of former students with a birthdate of 1998 and who graduated, completed their school
program, transferred, or withdrew from Eufaula City Schools.
Any former student who has reached 18 years of age may review and/or receive a copy of these records by
contacting the Special Education Department by September 30, 2024.
According to federal law, parents and guardians lose their right to review or obtain these records when their
child (the student) reaches 18 years of age or starts attending a postsecondary institution, whichever occurs first.
However, a parent of a child with a disability who is 18 years of age or older may retain parental rights,
provided that the child has been determined to be legally incompetent or legally incapacitated.
In accordance with federal and state laws, special education records are maintained for five years after the
student exits the special education program, graduates, transfers, or withdraws from Eufaula City Schools. In
accordance with State of Alabama Special Education guidelines, special education records that are not claimed
by September 30, 2024, will be destroyed.
A written request for records may be sent to the contact below. Please include the student’s name, birth date,
date of graduation or date last attended on the request.
Jan Bowen, Special Education Director
Eufaula City Schools Special Education Department
831 West Washington Street
Eufaula, AL 36027
Telephone: (334)687-1100
Fax: (334)687-1150
Please allow at least two weeks for preparation of records and be prepared to present a government issued photo ID for release of records.
In compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), Eufaula City Schools Special Education Department provides a full continuum of services for students with special needs. We strive to provide differentiated learning supports for all students with appropriate special education and related services.In addition to students with special needs, the Eufaula City Schools Special Education Department is also responsible for offering services for students who qualify for gifted services as outlined by the Alabama Administrative Code (AAC).
Jan Bowen
Special Education Director
334-687-1100 Ext. 1006Dawn Ward
334-687-1100 Ext. 1032Haley Hudson
Behavior Specialist
334-687-1100 Ext.Carolyn Kelley
Administrative Assistant / SPE Records
334-687-1100 Ext. 1001